Monday 4 January 2016

Wole Soyinka’s "The Swamp Dweller"

Wole Soyinka’s "The Swamp Dweller"


                          The Swamp Dweller talk about the place which is now becomes “THE WASTE”. The Swamp Dweller remains as an ambiguity because nothing is clear. Past of characters are not given by Wole Soyinka. The play mirrors the socio-cultural patterns, the pang and the sufferings of the Swamp Dwellers and underlines the need for absorbing new ideas. The struggle between human being and unfavorable forces of nature is also captured in the play. The play presents the picture of modern Africa where the wind of change started blowing.

Character list:


About the play:

     The play starts with the description of the house of Makuri. The old things are there in the house of Makuri accept some things which are given by their children who are living in city. Alu is wife of Makuri. They have twins- Igwezu and Awechike. They both are now in the city to achieve their livelihood. Igwezu married with Desala who is modern woman.

     The story goes like Alu worried about her son Awechike. Alu and Makuri both of them are taking about their son Awechike because he wasn’t came back from the city. Moreover Igwezu come back from the city without his wife. Beggar is outsider to come to Makuri’s house with the intention to help them. Makuri and Alu are interested in Kadiye who is representing as the figure of God. Igwezu not interested in worshipping Kadiye instead of Beggar. At the end beggar gave promise to Igwezu to help his family and Igwezu goes back to the city. Makuri and Alu and Beggar with the hope waiting for their son to come back play end.

The Swamp Dweller: A Critical Analysis:

       The play remains as an ambiguity because nothing is clear in front of reader. The play is a clash between old tradition and new tradition. Makuri and Alu represent as a old traditional people while Igwezu and Awechike represent as a new tradition people. Moreover it shows the differences between city people and village people. Makuri and Alu think that village is better than the city. It is because they loss their one son in the city. Even they believe that village is better in relation than the city. For example- the dialogue of Makuri:

Makuri: “There wasn’t woman anywhere more faithful than you, Alu; I never had a moment of worry in the whole of my life.”

Even they believe that the “CITY IS SWAMP”. See the dialogue-

Makuri: “It ruins them. The city ruins them. What do they seek there except money?”
Alu: “It was the swamp… He went the same way as my son.’’

  The life of Igwezu also destroyed into the city. When his parents insist to go back to the city he uttered the dialogues like:

Igwezu: “An ideal son of the Swamps.”
Igwezu: “I’m afraid. I have had my turn already. I lost everything, my savings, even my standing as a man. I went into debt.”
Igwezu: “I came back with hope, with consolation in my heart.”

    Igwezu lost his wife into the city. And also he lost his brother into the city. But when his mother talks about his second brother Igwezu not feel well so maybe he lost his livelihood and his wife because of his brother and may be his brother Awechike killed by Igwezu. Or maybe because of the effect of industrialization Makuri and Alu lost what they not deserve. So, they called city is swamp. But if city is swamp then what about the village? Villages are not in good position. Nothing is growing there. There people in village are also too live life pathetically. They also live life not with the happy.

   People like Kadiye are responsible the swamp of the land or something remain as a good is it because of the people like Beggar?

Myth in "The Swamp Dweller”:

   Three great deities: Ogun, god of Iron; Sango, god of lightening; and Obatala, the maker of human forms.

 Beggar represent here as an Obatala. Other gods are preceded by a drummer, announcing them, glorifying them – like the Kadiye.

    Alu with the Yoguba earth goddess Edan-fro she conceived the twins when sunk into the earth.


    He is criticizing his own land, people. Where are their people wrong? Soyinka not gave the perfect picture of city and village. Who is responsible more for the swamp land? Or is it because of the effect of colonialism, industrialism and imperialism? All the things are remain shadow under the tree. All the things are in disillusionment. The play is open to interpretation by the reader.

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