Saturday 5 December 2015

The Bluest Eye

The Bluest Eye

      -Toni Morrison

It is the story of one black girl- Pecola Breedlove and her desire to become white.

     Why is she wants to be white?

     What is the purpose behind this crucial loss of identity as a black?

   The Bluest Eye, it is all about the ‘color Discrimination’. Pecola wants to be white at any cost. Her desire to be white is not for achieve the beauty but trough this she wants love, affection, protection, respect, honor, etc, from her parents and from the society. These all words such as love, affection, are interrelated to the word ‘‘White’’.

   White means Identity, love, affection, attraction, protection, respect, honor, superiority, etc. In short, white means everything.

·       The idea of beauty is broken human relationship.

·       ‘‘Beauty’’ uglifies every human relationship.

   Its OK, if Pecola rejected by the society but she humiliate by her own father, just because she is not white instead of black. It is the deformity of not only the society but also those people who are individually and personally think in this way. They are mentally deformed and ill.

   Moreover, we can say that in the society, there is no ‘‘HUMANITY’’.

   After studied the ‘‘Black Skin, White Mask’’- psychological interpretation, black as a inferior, ugly, unintelligent, animal, etc, are preconceived notion of human being. White skin- it is the desire of black girl- Pecola. Frantz Fanon insisted that desire is abstract thing, cannot achieve. Moreover, he suggests that if we cannot achieve/ claim the goal- changed the goal.

   To become white is the goal of Pecola. But it is not achieve. So, he claim that accept what we are. Accept black as a black or human being.

    Literature goes beyond the boundaries and talks about the ‘‘HUMANITY’’.
                                                          Thank You…

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