Thursday 17 December 2015


“The Old man and the Sea”

      Earnest Hemingway is the writer of the novella “The Old Man and the Sea”. The Old Man and the Sea publish in the year 1952. Earnest Hemingway was an economic writer because he was very perfect about choosing the words.

   The Old Man and the Sea deals with:

  •    Limited subject matter
  •    Details are not given
  •     There isn’t need of the human world
  •      Limited characters such as:

                                  Old man- Santiago
                                 The boy- Manolin
                                 The fish- Marlin

  •   Christian Allegory (failed)
  •   No woman characters

        Normally heroes are young but here Hemingway breaking downs that tradition. Santiago-the old man is hero of this novella. The novella talks about Santiago’s struggle for existence and his fight against time, age, and nature. And in between he tries to sustain his life.

      The Old Man was not only the spirit or role model of Manolin but also the spirit of American people because Old Man believes in responsibilities that he has. People always try to keep distance from responsibilities so they go with religion.

        Second thing is that American believed in old values of humanity. While Old Man totally differ from them because he believes in new values of humanity. His behavior with Marlin is very polite because when he tried to kill Marlin he said “Sorry” to her. He knows about the sin. But he must do it to sustain his life. It shows the humanity of Old Man.

The dialogue of Old Man-

                                 “Every day is new day”, insisted the spirit of Santiago.

         One cannot overpower the death. One reason for Old Man’s death is that he not changes his life according to time. He goes with old tradition like using boat tools. If he used new technological machine maybe he must win.   

       In short, we can say that “The Old Man and the Sea” talks about the reality of human being. Human being swing between-

                               Victory – Defeat
                                Life – Death

      And in between there is only hope. 

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